Evolutionary Spirituality

Gafni & Cohen: Evolutionary Spirituality

Daniela Bomatter

This series of conversations between Marc Gafni and Andrew Cohen celebrates the creative and dynamic evolutionary tension between two diverse but intersecting perspectives. The aim is to catalyse awakening to higher states and stages of consciousness, giving rise to liberating insights and life-affirming perspectives in a unique tapestry of coherence and meaning – an inspiring example of emergent spirituality in action.

Evolutionary Satsang

Online Satsang from Tiruvannamalai

Daniela Bomatter

For our next bi-weekly session, you are warmly invited to this special audience with Andrew Cohen, spiritual master and pioneer of Evolutionary Enlightenment. For the first time online, Andrew will be offering free and open satsang, live and direct from Tiruvannamalai via our virtual venue Manifest Nirvana.

Paying Attention

Paying Attention

Daniela Bomatter

In this free session, Andrew Cohen explores the whole question of paying attention in different settings and states of awareness. If we want to be happy, free and sane human beings, we surely need to be awake and attentive with a depth that is far beyond the ordinary. So how does the apparatus of human attention actually work, and how do we make it more conscious?

Living Enlightenment

Living Enlightenment Part 3

Daniela Bomatter

Over three bi-weekly sessions, Andrew Cohen offers a comprehensive overview of the Five Tenets – a set of principles that, individually and collectively, represent both the path and the goal of Evolutionary Enlightenment. Andrew will be your guide and mentor as you take an experiential journey through the Five Tenets, grounding you in a practice that truly is living enlightenment in every sense of what that means.

Living Enlightenment

Living Enlightenment Part 2

Daniela Bomatter

Over three bi-weekly sessions, Andrew Cohen offers a comprehensive overview of the Five Tenets – a set of principles that, individually and collectively, represent both the path and the goal of Evolutionary Enlightenment. Andrew will be your guide and mentor as you take an experiential journey through the Five Tenets, grounding you in a practice that truly is living enlightenment in every sense of what that means.

Living Enlightenment

Living Enlightenment

Daniela Bomatter

Over three bi-weekly sessions, Andrew Cohen offers a comprehensive overview of the Five Tenets – a set of principles that, individually and collectively, represent both the path and the goal of Evolutionary Enlightenment. Andrew will be your guide and mentor as you take an experiential journey through the Five Tenets, grounding you in a practice that truly is living enlightenment in every sense of what that means.

When Shadow Meets the Bodhisattva

When Shadow Meets the Bodhisattva

Daniela Bomatter

In this episode, there will be a reading from Andrew’s controversial new book When Shadow Meets the Bodhisattva. Andrew will talk candidly about his reasons for writing it, and about his vision, outlined in the later chapters, for a new post-postmodern spirituality of tomorrow. If you’ve read it and you’re inspired or intrigued by the subject matter, there will also be a rare and exciting opportunity to ask the author your questions. Don’t miss it!

Multi-dimensional Awakening

Multi-dimensional Awakening

Daniela Bomatter

In the next in our ongoing series of free talks, Andrew Cohen examines the many different dimensions of enlightenment through an integral lens. What are we fundamentally most preoccupied with, consciously or unconsciously? What does it mean to be truly awake in the 21st century? How can we upgrade our own sense of what enlightenment is and can be, as sophisticated and complex present-day human beings?

Evolutionary Spirituality

Evolutionary Spirituality

Daniela Bomatter

This series of conversations between Marc Gafni and Andrew Cohen celebrates the creative and dynamic evolutionary tension between two diverse but intersecting perspectives. The aim is to catalyse awakening to higher states and stages of consciousness, giving rise to liberating insights and life-affirming perspectives in a unique tapestry of coherence and meaning – an inspiring example of emergent spirituality in action.

Daily Teachings in Tiruvannamalai

Open Q&A with Andrew Cohen

Daniela Bomatter

In a spirit of deep enquiry, you are warmly invited to bring your most pressing, burning, urgent and challenging spiritual questions. Come and be thrilled at how this process opens a portal in consciousness to new and deeper perspectives on the human experience.