Radical Awakening: A blueprint for a life beyond compromise

Daniela Bomatter

In this bi-weekly teaching, Andrew Cohen illuminates the path to living a deeply inspired and relevant life beyond compromise by emphasising the importance of the highest spiritual attainment. He guides us to reorient our values towards spiritual evolution, encouraging us to transcend our egoic limitations and align with the evolutionary impulse of the cosmos. By striving for the pinnacle of spiritual growth, we infuse our lives with profound meaning and purpose, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Cohen’s teachings inspire us to become beacons of light, uplifting not only our own existence but also contributing to the collective awakening of humanity, leaving compromise behind in favour of enlightened living.

The Profound Paradox of Non-Duality

Daniela Bomatter

In this bi-weekly teaching, Andrew Cohen delves into the profound paradox of spiritual evolution, where the infinite expanses of consciousness meet the tender vulnerability of our human experience. He guides us through the delicate art of holding these seemingly opposing realms in one non-dual embrace, illuminating the path to true integration. Cohen emphasises that true enlightenment is not an escape from our humanity but a deep engagement with it, where our openness to vulnerability becomes a powerful conduit for transcendent wisdom. Through his teachings, we learn to navigate the intricate dance between the boundless and the intimate, discovering a deeper, more compassionate way of being.

Embracing Heaven and Earth: Navigating the Tension between Realism and Idealism in a World on Fire

Daniela Bomatter

In this bi-weekly teaching, Andrew Cohen delves into the profound interplay between realism and idealism, illuminating how these seemingly opposing forces can harmonize to foster spiritual evolution. By grounding ourselves in the practical truths of our chaotic world while simultaneously embracing the boundless positivity of the spiritual impulse, we can navigate the complexities of this paradox. This synthesis not only anchors our aspirations in reality but also empowers us to envision and strive towards a more enlightened existence, merging the clarity of the present with the transformative potential of our highest ideals.

Beyond the Eternal Now: Waking Up to Evolutionary Becoming

Daniela Bomatter

In this bi-weekly teaching, Andrew Cohen explores the nuanced measurement of spiritual progress, emphasising inner transformation over external achievements. He explains that true spiritual aspiration is driven by a yearning to align with the evolutionary impulse rather than seeking personal success. Success in spirituality, Cohen asserts, is not a static state but an ongoing journey of awakening, characterised by the ability to transcend ego, embody higher principles, and contribute to collective evolution with authenticity and love.

Journey to Wholeness: Understanding Spiritual Progress

Daniela Bomatter

In this bi-weekly teaching, Andrew Cohen explores the nuanced measurement of spiritual progress, emphasising inner transformation over external achievements. He explains that true spiritual aspiration is driven by a yearning to align with the evolutionary impulse rather than seeking personal success. Success in spirituality, Cohen asserts, is not a static state but an ongoing journey of awakening, characterised by the ability to transcend ego, embody higher principles, and contribute to collective evolution with authenticity and love.

Karma – Dharma – Destiny and Free Will

Daniela Bomatter

In this bi-weekly teaching, Andrew Cohen invites you to consider your own life as a vivid tableau where karma, dharma, destiny, and free will are interwoven in a dance of complexity and simplicity. He beckons us to view these concepts not as distant philosophical ideas, but as intimate aspects of our daily lives, influencing every breath and decision. Through this understanding, we are called to a higher state of awareness and action, where each choice becomes a testament to our commitment to personal and collective evolution. Cohen’s teachings encourage us to transcend our perceived limitations, to break free from the echoes of past actions, and to actively shape our destiny through enlightened choices. This talk is not merely an intellectual exercise, but a practical guide to living with profound purpose and freedom. In embracing this journey, we align ourselves with the most profound aspects of our being and the universe itself, stepping into a future that we consciously create in every moment with clarity, courage, and compassion.

Evolutionary Spirituality

The Evolution of God

Daniela Bomatter

This series of conversations between Marc Gafni and Andrew Cohen celebrates the creative and dynamic evolutionary tension between two diverse but intersecting perspectives. The aim is to catalyse awakening to higher states and stages of consciousness, giving rise to liberating insights and life-affirming perspectives in a unique tapestry of coherence and meaning – an inspiring example of emergent spirituality in action.

The Seductive Allure of Spiritual Awakening

The Seductive Allure of Spiritual Awakening

Daniela Bomatter

Andrew Cohen delves into the essence of spiritual experiences, framing them as both a seduction by the infinite and a call to profound transformation. He emphasizes the importance of discernment on the spiritual path, highlighting that true enlightenment is not found in the accumulation of experiences, but in their capacity to foster a deep, ongoing evolution of the self towards unity with the absolute.

buddhist Triple Gem, Guru, Dharma, Sangha as one picture, in a futuristic, very beautiful high quality setting, emanating sacredness --ar 2:1 Job ID: 893687d0-5d4c-4694-ae00-20550190e7e1

A Three – Part series: Buddha – Dharma – Sangha

Daniela Bomatter

This series serves as both a profound exploration of modern spirituality and a vibrant call to action, inviting us to merge ancient wisdom with contemporary realities to foster a deeply personal yet universally expansive journey towards collective evolution and enlightenment.

Spiritual Awakening: Jon Eden Khan and Daniela Bomatter in conversation

Daniela Bomatter

The dialogue will critically assess the notion that spiritual awakening is not merely a personal journey towards enlightenment but a crucial foundation for active engagement with the world’s pain and beauty. Daniela and Jon are poised to explore how true awakening involves confronting and embracing the world’s challenges, not as burdens, but as gateways to profound understanding and transformation. This exchange will challenge us to reconsider our perceptions of spirituality, proposing that the very crises we face may hold the seeds for a collective evolutionary leap in consciousness.