A Golden Opportunity

Daniela Bomatter

Andrew Cohen presents the meta-crisis not as a barrier but as a crucial catalyst for vibrant living and urgent awakening. He urges us to see chaos as a call to action, propelling us toward transformation and enlightenment. This perspective encourages us to transcend passivity, embracing the present moment as a gateway to conscious evolution and a deeper communion with life. Through this lens, adversity becomes an invitation to live fully and purposefully, right here, right now.

The most perfect relationship to reality

Daniela Bomatter

Andrew Cohen explores the journey towards a perfect relationship with reality, emphasizing active engagement with life’s evolutionary process and interconnectedness. His insights encourage embracing change, cultivating wisdom and compassion, and co-creating with the universe in a harmonious dance towards endless possibilities.

The Sovereign Self

Paul Bloch

The Sovereign Self explores the shift in modern spirituality from traditional ego surrender to a pursuit of radical sovereignty, questioning whether true…

Freedom from Karma

Freedom from Karma

Daniela Bomatter

In Freedom from Karma, Andrew Cohen illuminates how karma is more than cause and effect; it’s a complex web of patterns that constrain us, preventing our true spiritual evolution.

Awakening Together

Awakening Together

Daniela Bomatter

This week Andrew Cohen looks at the difference between the solitary bliss of awakened awareness and the dynamic evolutionary resonance when individual enlightenment expands into a collective vibration.

seek until you find

Seek Until You Find

Daniela Bomatter

In this week’s talk, Andrew speaks in depth about the difference between the cessation of seeking as an end in itself, the goal of traditional enlightenment, and becoming a finder as a starting point for perpetual conscious evolution: Evolutionary Enlightenment.

The End of Conflict Poppies

The End of Conflict

Daniela Bomatter

Andrew Cohen explores the nature of perfect inner peace and its relationship to manifest reality and the end of conflict. When we are faced with seemingly insurmountable odds, and perhaps the greatest challenges we have ever encountered as a species, what is it that can inspire and motivate us to continuously strive for the highest possibility?

Evolutionary Satsang

Evolutionary Satsang: Spiritual Life in a Godless Culture

Daniela Bomatter

Andrew Cohen invites questions about how we can begin to address a fundamental need to restore our relationship with spirit. What steps can we take, at both a personal and cultural level, that would lead to the emergence of new and more appropriate vehicles for the devotional, the sacred and the mystical?