Understanding the Structure Stages of Consciousness with Daniela Bomatter
In Manifest Nirvana our goal is to work deeply with Evolutionary Enlightenment while developing an in-depth understanding of Ken Wilber’s Integral theory, and the structure stages described by Spiral Dynamics.
We want to cultivate access to higher states of consciousness in tandem with structure stage growth, and tools that will help us to identify shadow material in ourselves – waking up, growing up, and cleaning up. The ultimate aim is to bring all this together in such a way that we can actually show up in the world as fully integrated, conscious and inspired human beings.
In the context of Wilber’s Integral theory, the reality we experience can be described, structured or looked at in many different ways. There are different lenses through which we can gaze, and inquire into deeper aspects of reality, and of ourselves. His work describes Quadrants, Levels, Types, Lines, States and Stages.
Our focus here is on what Wilber calls the left-hand quadrants – the interiority of the “I” and the “We”. These are the structures of consciousness, as they show up both in ourselves and in culture at large.
We will not approach this subject in a purely theoretical way. Instead we will aim to connect with and express each of the stages in a collective, intersubjective field of exploration and experience.
In this illuminating interactive talk, Daniela Bomatter will facilitate a process that allows each of us to dive into and discover the structure stages of consciousness for ourselves, within our own direct experience.
In this way, we can see how they are all still active – and guiding our actions one way or the other, consciously or unconsciously.
Please check below for the times in your time zone:
7am PST • 8am MST • 10am EST • 3pm UK • 4pm CET • 8:30pm IST
For some helpful information on Integral and Spiral Dynamics theory you can visit the Integal European Conference page on the subject.
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- Daniela BomatterEvolutionary Nun
Daniela Bomatter, originally from Switzerland, is a former Software Engineer who progressed into various leadership roles, ultimately serving as the CEO of SwissEnergy at the Federal Office of Energy in Switzerland.
Daniela Bomatter is a co-founder of Manifest Nirvana and a senior practitioner of Evolutionary Enlightenment. She is a long-term student of Andrew Cohen, her mentor and guide for the past 16 years.
She lives in Tiruvannamalai, India, where she contributes to a spiritual center dedicated to Evolutionary Enlightenment.