The Unreasonable Nature of Spirit

The Unreasonable Nature of Spirit

Daniela BomatterTeachings

In this provocative talk, Andrew Cohen draws on more than three decades of experience as a teacher to contemplate the unreasonable nature of spirit. In a cultural context which seems less ready than ever to embrace authentic spirituality, how can we create the appropriate “set and setting” for an uncompromising and radical journey to self-transcendence?

Radical and Real

Radical and Real

Daniela BomatterTeachings

In this provocative talk, Andrew Cohen draws on more than three decades of experience as a teacher to contemplate the unreasonable nature of spirit. In a cultural context which seems less ready than ever to embrace authentic spirituality, how can we create the appropriate “set and setting” for an uncompromising and radical journey to self-transcendence?

Beyond Trauma

Beyond Trauma

Daniela BomatterTeachings

Andrew Cohen looks at what it means to deeply honour the truth of enlightenment by moving beyond personal trauma, while still embracing the painful truth of our fragmented and imperfect human body-mind. How can these two apparently different selves peacefully co-exist?

Realisation and Transformation

Realisation and Transformation

Daniela BomatterTeachings

If we want to mature in our spiritual practice, it’s profoundly important to stand courageously behind what we have realised, by letting go and by responding. Only then can we develop spiritual self-confidence, and allow ourselves to be transformed by our own deepest revelations about the nature of reality.

Evolutionary Potential

Embracing our Evolutionary Potential

Daniela BomatterTeachings

Andrew Cohen invites us to connect with the liberating and joyous impulse to fully engage with life, free from fear or limitation. With gentle guidance, it’s possible to discover a level of trust and surrender that immediately reveals the ecstatic energy and deep intelligence of our own authentic nature – the creative principle of the cosmos itself is alive within us as a latent potential, waiting to be unleashed.


Enlightenment is the Experience of the Presence of the Infinite

Daniela BomatterTeachings

Andrew Cohen invites us to dive into inspired uncertainty as a way to hold the overwhelming complexity of the relative world. Can we find the courage to deeply interrogate our subjective experience, and recognise that in a relative context there is no final truth?

Gender, Sexuality and the True Self

Gender, Sexual Identity and the True Self

Daniela BomatterTeachings

What would it mean to be a woman or man, of whatever orientation or sexual preference, who is completely free from any form of conscious or unconscious neurotic identification with sexuality or gender? In a culture that seems ever more in love with its own reflection, how can we stand courageously for authentic freedom, while transcending and including all superficial differences or distinctions?

Authentic Relating

Authentic Relating

Daniela BomatterTeachings

Andrew Cohen invites us to discover a state of awareness which opens up new and unimagined potentials for human relatedness. When we can share the totality of the human experience from this transpersonal perspective, we become immersed in a different kind of intimacy that embraces a vast cosmic context, while simultaneously transcending and including the personal dimension.

Edge of Evolution

The Edge of Evolution

Daniela BomatterTeachings

Andrew Cohen underlines the importance of developing the deep spiritual self-confidence we need to live at the very edge of the evolving cosmos – to realise our own latent potential to become heroic change-agents who will dare to stand for and bear witness to that which is higher.

Free Will

Free Will, Destiny and Awakened Consciousness

Daniela BomatterTeachings

Andrew Cohen explores the intersection of free will, destiny and awakened consciousness through the lens of Evolutionary Enlightenment. He argues that while much of our experience is indeed governed by deep forces of conditioning – and simultaneously driven by positive and negative karmic momentum – we do nevertheless have a small, but all-important, measure of free will that can be dramatically enhanced by spiritual awakening.