Inspired Uncertainty

Inspired Uncertainty

Daniela Bomatter

Andrew Cohen invites us to dive into inspired uncertainty as a way to hold the overwhelming complexity of the relative world. Can we find the courage to deeply interrogate our subjective experience, and recognise that in a relative context there is no final truth?

Beyond Trauma

Beyond Trauma

Daniela Bomatter

Andrew Cohen looks at what it means to deeply honour the truth of enlightenment by moving beyond personal trauma, while still embracing the painful truth of our fragmented and imperfect human body-mind. How can these two apparently different selves peacefully co-exist?

Manifesting Nirvana

Creating Manifest Nirvana

Daniela Bomatter

When spiritually-awakened consciousness shines through a truly self-transcendent structure stage, we are compelled to reach way beyond the fears and desires of the small self, and build a culture based on a new set of shared values.


Intensive Retreat for Friends and Residents

Daniela Bomatter

A rare opportunity to join Andrew Cohen on a four day intimate retreat exclusively for Friends & Residents of Manifest Nirvana. This intensive four days is fully comitted to forging the path towards a culture beyond ego. Join us in co-creating our pioneering vision for an emerging fellowship of awakening souls compelled by a call from the future!


Awakening Cosmic Conscience: a Path to Game B?

Daniela Bomatter

Andrew Cohen and Daniela Bomatter take you through an interactive exploration of Game B in both the Right and Left quadrants of Ken Wilber’s integral framework. We will look at both the subjective and intersubjective interior qualities of Game B, and speculatively explore some real-world practical examples of a lifestyle that is based fundamentally on Game B values and interactions.

Practice Day

Catalyzing Collective Emergence Part II

Daniela Bomatter

In part two of this teaching, Andrew Cohen takes a deeper dive into collective emergence, showing how enlightenment can make the leap from the individual to the collective, catalyzing a miraculous state awakening experience that both transcends and includes each individual in the group.

A Time Between Stories

A Time Between Stories Episode 4

Daniela Bomatter

This series of conversations between Marc Gafni and Andrew Cohen probes the intersection of absolute meaning and relative reality, within the context of the most destabilised and destabilising time in recent history. Marc and Andrew will look deeply into the relentless challenge of being human, particularly at this unique moment in time, while simultaneously celebrating the profound cosmic and metaphysical significance of human incarnation.

Practice Day

Catalyzing Collective Emergence

Daniela Bomatter

In this talk, Andrew Cohen demonstrates how it is possible for the spark of enlightenment to make the leap from the individual to the collective, catalyzing a miraculous state awakening experience that both transcends and includes each individual in the group.

From Minus One to Zero to Plus One

From Minus One to Zero to Plus One

Daniela Bomatter

In this talk Andrew Cohen explores the journey from identification with unhealthy ego to the liberated joy of the Authentic Self, described as the movement from “Minus One” to “Zero” to “Plus One”.