Evolutionary Satsang from Tiruvannamalai
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For the past few months, Andrew Cohen has been offering in-person satsang from the newly built Manifest Nirvana Guest House at Gia Mantra Global Village, in the foothills of the Holy Mountain Arunachala. Our little group has found these sessions to be incredibly powerful and transformative, so we wanted to extend this opportunity to all of you in an online format.
Satsang is a sacred gathering where those of us who are in love with enlightenment and the awakening of consciousness come together, in the company of the Guru, to manifest our commitment to the ever-new and always thrilling practice of spiritual discourse and inquiry. It is an invitation to dive into the depths of awareness – to question, to explore, and to awaken to our true nature.
You are warmly invited to this special audience with Andrew Cohen, spiritual master and pioneer of Evolutionary Enlightenment. In a first for Manifest Nirvana, over the coming weeks Andrew will be offering free and open Evolutionary Satsang, live and direct from Tiruvannamalai via our virtual venue.
When we come together to look deeply into the human condition from a position of sincere unknowing and curiosity, we all participate in the process of awakening itself. Together we explore the uncharted territories of our own consciousness, our collective mind and heart is opened and expanded, and higher states spontaneously manifest in ways that are unexpected and profoundly liberating.
Come and be thrilled at how this process penetrates through the layers of the conditioned mind, opening the doors of perception to new and deeper perspectives on the human experience.
8am PDT • 9am MDT • 11am EDT • 4pm UK • 5pm CET
8:30pm IST
Guests, Friends and Residents do not need to sign up for this teaching. Your membership gives you automatic access!
Just make sure you log in to Manifest Nirvana, then simply head to the Teaching Hall at the time of the event, and take your place.
- Andrew CohenResident Teacher
Andrew Cohen is a spiritual teacher, author, cultural visionary and inspirational speaker. His work has been acclaimed by luminaries from all walks of life, from academics to philosophers to spiritual pundits.
Andrew has become known for his willingness to boldly cast aside the sacred cows of the spiritual world. His work grapples with demystifying the wealth of knowledge found in the great wisdom traditions, and with making enlightenment deeply relevant to a post-modern audience.